Monday, January 24, 2011

I hate him.

Are boys blind to dirt and grim and gross!?

Why should I have to ask him to clean up after he cooks? It is his decision to work out, eat right, and cook. Why shouldn't he be expected to clean too. It's not like he has a "little woman" or a mother to clean up after his messes anymore. He claimed he didn't even realize it was messy!!

I purposely didn't clean up after his mess (although it was bothering me to have a dirty kitchen) over the last few days. When it was still a mess tonight, and I needed to do a few hand washing dishes anyway, I did all the dishes and cleaned the nasty stove. It was PACKED with grease and dried crusty crap! and it took a lot of scrubbing and the Magic Eraser to even do some good.

He needs to get used to taking care of himself. And he should have more respect for me and my want to have a clean kitchen. I know we are both busy and things don't always get clean right away... but a few DAYS is too much!


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